For Safety and Security
“After I finish school, I want to be a security officer so that I will be able to help people who are victims of social evils like animal stealing, domestic violence and child abuse. I like peace and love my community”, said Bariki.
Bariki, 7 years old, is in standard 1 in one of the government primary schools in his village. He is the second oldest of 3 children in his family.
In the village where Bariki lives, there is a problem of poor security because the police station is a long distance to walk. This has led to property loss caused by bandits and thieves, stealing livestock and sometimes gender based violence to women and kids.
To overcome the challenge, Bariki dreams of being a security officer to protect his community and help women and children who are victims of abuse and to prevent livestock theft.
Bariki’s drinks goat milk everyday. Drinking goat milk provides nutrients which will help his developing brain so he can concentrate on his studies and help his body so he can grow up big and strong so that he can achieve his dreams.
Bariki's mother, Maria, joined Food for His Children in 2020. She has been practicing what she learned about goat keeping and her dairy goat gave birth to twins!