Fathers are a Blessing
“Father’s day is a holiday of honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds as well as the influence of fathers in society."

John Paul is a loving husband to Fausta John and the father of 7, 4 daughters and 3 sons.
Meet John's twins, Edward and Edwin, 17. They told us a story about their loving father.
“Our Dad leads by example and imparts wisdom about how to get through life the best way he knows. He makes us laugh and he make us proud. Our Dad gives us comfort when we are down or scared, and sometimes he give us gifts when we least expect it. Most of all he give us good memories that stick in our hearts.
Our Daddy encourages us to read Bible verses, especially Proverbs 6:20 that says, 'My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching'. We love our Daddy! Happy father’s day to all the dad's and father figures reading this”.
Fausta and John's family joined Food for His Children in 2017 after building a shelter for their dairy goat and attending Food for His Children trainings concerning dairy goat keeping and sustainable farming techniques. They continue to attend training to learn more about livestock keeping, farming, savings, leadership, health and environment. They work with their case manager to identify goals and break them into achievable parts. Thank you for helping them to unleash their potential and break the chains of generational poverty!