Tumaini runs the whole way to her mud and stick home in rural Karatu, Tanzania. She can hardly wait. She has so many dreams for her future! She has been praying for a goat from Food for His Children so her dreams can come true. Her mother, Imani, has been struggling to provide for the family ever since Tumaini’s father left. It’s been hard to provide meals and even harder to imagine how to pay for school fees past 7th grade. But today is the day! Today, Imani and Tumaini will receive their Food for His Children goat. They have worked hard gathering the materials to build the shed for their new doe and have so many plans for the income she will generate for the family through her offspring and her milk. This goat holds a promise of income and security they did not have before. She’s a savings account, business, and insurance policy all in one. Imani and Tumaini have already chosen her name, they will call her Upendo. And loving her is exactly what they intend to do!
Imani (Faith), Tumaini (Hope), and Upendo (Love) are all grateful to you for bringing them together!
Your gift has answered their prayers. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus! 1 John 3:18.