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This is Love

Sometimes walking alongside means digging in the dirt.




Awaki's son has struggled with severe mental illness for 20 years. So severe that he is confined to his home for his safety and the safety of others. That alone is enough for one person to bear, but this beautiful 70 year old soul is also the matriarch for her family of 9.




When Awaki's goat shed fell down, it was the last straw, literally for her. She felt completely defeated and was ready to give up. Her Case Manager, Levina, shared the struggle with the FFHC team and they and the other goat farmers in her site decided to come alongside her and build her a new shed!




Awaki provided some of the materials, but her fellow goat farmers take community seriously. They all brought materials to help build Awaki the best shed in the whole Endashangwet Project. The groups spent one day working together, digging with their hands and whatever tools they could find to help do the job.




The result is truly a something to behold, it's a gift of love.