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My Hunger Made it Hard to Focus

Food for His Children equips families who are living in extreme poverty in rural Tanzania to lift themselves out of poverty. One way they do this is by providing school supplies for all Food for His Children kids each December, just before the new school year starts in January. Read about what this gift meant to 2 Food for His Children kids below.




Rehema comes from a home with many challenges and struggles, beyond material poverty. In her home, there are many broken relationships and relational poverty.




“My name is Rehema. I’m 8 years old. I live in Mang’ola juu. My mother was left to provide for our family by selling chicken, goat and firewood at the nearby market. We didn’t always have food to eat. Sometimes all we had was porridge.







I was enrolled in school, but my hunger made it hard to focus. I almost dropped out in first grade because I didn’t have school supplies to help me study. But Food for His Children came to rescue. They gave me school supplies like exercise books, a pen and pencil which my mom can’t afford. I began working with FFHC staff as my mentor and taking extra evening hours for self-study at home which helped me to continue with school as I struggled with a difficult situation at home.




My dream is to be a teacher so that I will be able to help my family. Thank you for believing in my future by giving me studying materials”.




Redempta wants to cure Coronavirus. She lives in the same village as Rehema and both are just starting their journey with Food for His Children.




“I want you to know my story and how FFHC will play in my life. My name is Redempta. I grew up in Mang’ola juu village. I am in 4th grade. Village life is not easy due to inadequate services like shops that sell school materials like pens, pencils and exercise books, but with support from Food for His Children, I received a pen, pencils and exercise books. These items will help me to continue with school in January without thinking about inadequate of exercise books when school opened.





My dream is to be a Doctor




At the age of 10, I am now concentrating on my studies so that I will be able to reach my dream of being a doctor. I want to help my country and the whole world getting the cure of Coronavirus.




Because Food for His Children provided exercise books, I will be able to continue with school. Through education, I will be able to change my life, and with your help, it can change and inspire lives of many more kids in my village. Thank you for your support and believing in my future.”




Thank you for changing the story for these girls!