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Is God calling you to be bigger?

Thank God I was wearing sunglasses my first day of my new job. And that our lunch was outdoors. That way, my new boss couldn’t see the tears that betrayed my confidence and streamed down my face throughout lunch. I nibbled on my sweet potato fries and sniffed to myself — feeling so alone.




I had just landed my dream job. I should have been ecstatic. Right?




I had spent the previous year job-searching, desperate for an exciting career — one that would allow me to climb the ladder and get ahead. Whatever that meant. Finally, I got the call I had been waiting for — my coveted job offer.




But as I sat on the patio of the Minneapolis restaurant, I heard the cooing and laughing of a baby sitting behind me. And he reminded me — painfully — that my own son was at daycare. And he reminded me how much I missed him. I told myself why I was working: I was providing for our family. I was proud of the fact that I was working outside the home. I worked hard for this “dream job.”




And yet. I felt a gentle whisper on my heart. God was calling me to be home with my son. I just wasn't ready to listen; I wasn’t ready to trust His plan.




I leaned on one of my favorite bible verses.




“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”




I kept trying to figure out how I was going to be able to spend more time with my son. It wasn’t until I figured out why — my why — that doors started opening. I wanted to glorify God through being a mom. I truly felt like that’s where I belonged.




Once I realized why I wanted to be home, I prayed that God would show me how to do that. And He did. It meant me giving up my dream job. But then again, that wasn’t really my dream anymore.




Do you feel like God is calling you to seek something bigger? Trust Him and walk in faith — knowing He will show you how to get there.