Do you have a mortgage?
Prisca doesn't!

Prisca Bahane, 55, lives with her husband, their daughter and 4 grandchildren:
Anastazia, 13, is in 3rd,grade, Happiness, 12, is in 6th grade, Queen, 9, is in 3rd grade and Vannessa, 7, is in 2nd grade. Prisca joined Food for His Children in 2017.

For years Prisca dreamt of building a brick house for her family because her mud house was too small to accommodate all the people, especially the grandkids who live with her. Living in a mud house is difficult during the rainy season since the roof leaks and the house can deteriorate. After setting up a goal plan with Food for His Children staff in 2018, she started saving money every month. And she managed to build the brick house of her dreams!

Prisca said, "After joining Food for His Children, I received agriculture training from Food for His Children. After putting into practice all that I learned, my crop production increased and I managed to harvest crops for my family to eat and other crops to sell like maize and pigeon pea. I used the money to buy cement and iron sheets for my new house. House building materials in the rural areas are very expensive because of transportation cost, but through advice from my Food for His Children Field Officer and being wise on how we spend money I earn, I was able to complete our house”.
Prisca gives thanks to all people who support FFHC project to work closely with the local community towards goal achievement.