Day of the African Child
Today is the International Day of the African Child.

Rob Holschbach, Ideation Photography
Like every year on 16 June, the African Union and its Member States observe the Day of the African Child (DAC) as a commemoration of the 16th June 1976 student uprising in Soweto, South Africa, where students who marched in protest against apartheid-inspired education, were brutally murdered. To celebrate the children of Africa and calls for serious introspection and commitment towards addressing the numerous challenges they face in Africa, the DAC 2020 theme’s will reflect on ‘Access to a Child-Friendly Justice System in Africa’ as adopted by the African Union Executive Council, during its 34th Ordinary Session, held on 07 – 08 February 2019. Read more: 2019. https://au.int/en/newsevents/20200616/day-african-child-2020

This photo by Sam Nzima became an icon of the Soweto uprising.
The fact that over 1 year ago the AU Executive Council decided on this focus is no surprise to God. And I think the timing with the events in our country are truly God ordained. This is a time for revolutionary change. And a time for us to take notice and take a stand for the rights of African children and children around the world. Pastor Jenn Alexander of Hosanna Church- Lakeville shares a powerful prophetic word that was spoken about Minneapolis also in 2019. I get Holy Spirit bumps just thinking about this. This God. And He is on the move.
Today, we celebrate African children and invite you to join us in the fight against injustice and extreme poverty in Tanzania in honor of the Day of the African Child. #BlackLivesMatter
There are almost 1100 FFHC children whose parents are working hard to make their dreams become reality. Your donation to Food for His Children honors them and helps their parents to send them to school. Would you donate $50, $100, $250 or higher gift today in honor of the International Day of the African Child?
Learn more about Day of the African Child: