Dangers in the Tanzania Bush
Photo credit: www.Africansnakebiteinstitute.com
I have a snake phobia. That might be the reason I’ve always been told there aren’t any black mambas, cobras or pythons in the areas where Food for His Children works in Tanzania. A combination of higher than normal temps and less rain has brought the snakes out. One team member had to think fast when he saw a deadly black mamba on the road in front of his motorcycle. He couldn’t stop safely, so he looked to see what direction the snake was headed, then he floored it and went past it in the other direction, praying it wouldn’t be able to turn around fast enough to bite him. Did you know mambas can lift their heads 3-4 feet off the ground while moving forward at 7-12 mph?!?!? One bite can kill you in 20 minutes. This was a huge eye opener for me and another reminder that I should never walk ahead of my Tanzanian friends who know the terrain and dangers better than me. God protected us and I encounter any snakes.
While having lunch with FFHC team members, I learned about 26 children who have been killed by hyenas in a village where we work. The hyenas target small children (under 6) while they are walking to school or playing. This was a horror I wasn't ready for and struggled with for days. How is this possible? What is being done? What can we do to stop it?
While visiting families in Endashangwet, although I drank 2 liters of water over several hours, I was sick from heat exhaustion and dehydration. What must it be like to walk for 2 hours to get to a water source in such heat?
Another day in an even more remote village, while on a path with deep ruts carved out by rain, I closed my eyes and started to pray. We were driving slowly, but I knew instinctively that the motorcycle wasn’t going to make it up the hill. Seconds later, I was under the bike with the metal pipe directly on my leg. Fortunately, the bike was light enough for me to move out from under it and I jumped to my feet smiling and with just a couple minor bruises and we continued on our way. What’s it like to live in an area so remote that emergency could be hours away?
I am in awe at the strength and resilience of the families we serve. Deadly snakes, hyenas, and dehydration are part of daily life for them. It's a reality I've never had to live. And it was an eye opener for me.
Despite these challenges, God is at work. There is a hope and faith stronger than many places in America. While visiting families, I heard stories of transformation and comments like, 'If it weren't for Food for His Children, I would not be here today'.
Thank you for transforming lives.
Thank you for opening your hearts and hands.
Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for your encouraging words.
Thank you for providing funds to keep FFHC open when 100's of organizations in Tanzania closed during the pandemic.
Thank you for providing Bibles, the only book many families own.
Thank you for making it possible to share The Chosen with Karatu Town.
Thank you for pouring out your blessings to help them not just to survive, but to thrive.
God has big plans for Food for His Children families and He is carefully selecting the people He created for this work. When you give to FFHC, you don't just help the poorest of the poor in Tanzania, you also provide employment for 20 of those Chosen by God to serve in these dangerous places. Their hearts are burning to help Food for His Children families and you make that possible.
The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26