A note from our Executive Director: "Living a life worthy of the calling I've received"
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest." Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 NLT
It’s time! For years I said, ‘One day I would love to work full time for Food for His Children.’ The time has come after years of resistance to a call that was deep in my heart and always ringing in my ears, but kept behind bars because of fear and desire for security.
I’ve broken out of prison and am ‘living a life worthy of the calling I have received’ (Eph 4:1) and it’s harvest time! FFHC has been growing for 9 years, but only as much as a plant can grow when contained in a small pot. We’ve broken the pot and are planting God’s beautiful creation in the ground where it belongs. No longer contained, I am already seeing amazing growth and blessings.
In Tanzania last month, it was nearly harvest time. I’d never seen harvest time in Tanzania. God choose this time to send me to see what is ready to harvest, where we need to add soil and fertilizer to develop deep and strong roots and ways to be fruitful without stifling God’s creations in FFHC families and leaders.
I intentionally met with families who are struggling the most to understand what they need to succeed and with families that are excelling.
We completed our 2018 action plan; discussed how to build a stronger foundation, discussed partnering with an orphanage and hosting evangelism events and talked about how to involve other Karatu churches. We’re adding staff to walk bega kwa bega (shoulder to shoulder) with those struggling. We’re expanding to include families who are not the ‘poorest of the poor’ but are impoverished. Exciting things are on the horizon and it’s going to be a bountiful harvest!
He said to his disciples, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few." Matthew 9:37
There is much to do and we need more workers for the harvest. We need more staff in Tanzania and we need your support! With our expanded programs and services, our annual budget for 2018 has also expanded to $130,000.
I would dearly love for you to join me in this journey to walk alongside the materially poor to help them see who God created them to be in all of His fullness.
Would you partner with us monthly? A gift of $30 a month can help sustain a family and transform their lives. You can make your one time or monthly commitment here.
You are truly a blessing and I am honored to be doing ministry on your behalf. Thank you for making it possible for me and over 1500 Tanzanians to follow God’s lead!